Friday, March 4, 2011

One Crazy Thursday

So, I haven’t been writing a lot cause it’s mostly been the same old stuff- getting Natalie to eat.  Yesterday, though, had more things going on so thought I’d share.

Thursday  morning, Natalie and I went to see the lactation consultant again.  Good news is, Natalie has learned to eat more efficiently from me- 56 ml in around 10 minutes.  Bad news is she has probably been wearing herself out doing it and burning more calories than she’s taken in.  She was 7 lbs 10 oz this week- only up by 1 oz from last week.  Pretty disheartening but the lactation consultant gave me some ideas to help.  I can only attempt to nurse twice a day instead of 5.  If I nurse her and still have to give her the bottle, it can only take 30 minutes total.  I’m also increasing her bottle amount to 90-100 ccs.  We see the pediatrician a week from Monday so we’ll see how it goes.

The day was pretty restful.  Zach and Julia were at Grandma and Grandpa’s house in the afternoon and my computer decided the day before that I’ve been working it too hard and blue screened when it gets too hot.   I ended up making Julia a princess t-shirt and relaxing.  It was a nice quiet day.  The night got pretty busy, though.  That night was one of the first times I’ve tried to cook since Natalie has been born but of course I didn’t have all the ingredients so dinner was pretty sparse on nutritional value.  David had a problem at work so had to stay late.  The kids were actually loud enough that they woke Natalie up.  Natalie was really hungry so kept wanting more milk while I tried to finish dinner.  The bathroom door got locked from the inside after Julia tried to plunge the clogged toilet.  And the kicker- Zach swallowed a 5/8” x 1/2” Lego Minifigure gun that when I called the doctor, sent me and three kids to the emergency room at 8:00 at night.  Zach was fine but thought he could still feel the gun stuck in his throat so we had to get an x-ray to be sure.  Oh, and in the emergency room waiting room with the choice of the kids watching “Sanford and Son” and basketball, I picked basketball.  Zach decided it was a pretty cool game to watch.  When we got back to triage and they told him that they would have to do an x-ray, he looked at me with excitement and said, “Cool, my first x-ray!”.  It shouldn’t have been funny but what else could I do?  David came a little later so I could get the girls home.  We left with Julia screaming, “I want my Daddy”  all the way out the door.  Natalie slept through the whole ER visit and even past her feeding time.

Fortunately, the late night was not too bad and Natalie gave me 4 hours between feedings.  David’s working late again tonight but hopefully we’ll all get some rest tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Talk about eventful! Please remember that you can call me, even late, to help with emergencies like this. Did Zach get to keep the X-ray?
