Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Christmas Box

DSC_20110228_130445A few years ago, we decided to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on December 21st as a family because it is the darkest day of the year (Winter Solstice) and Jesus is the light of the world.  I’ve always liked that picture.  At the birthday dinner, we each give Jesus something and write it on a piece of paper and put it in the Christmas box.  It’s never anything I’d want for a birthday present but we tell the kids that Jesus wants to bear our burdens so we ‘give’ him something we are struggling with.  We keep the slips of paper in the box and read them again next year as a reminder of how we are doing with giving up a struggle.DSC_20110301_102051

Typically, mine have something to do with weight loss or bad eating habits and, I confess, I can never truly say I give that burden to God.  This year, for some reason, I wrote down “worrying about baby Natalie.”  Now, the strange thing is that on December 21st, when we had our birthday party, we thought everything was fine with Natalie.  God knew what was coming, though, and I believe wanted to remind me of how He was taking care of things later.  On December 29th, we had our first indication of the possibility of Down’s Syndrome.

All that to say, today I’m worrying about Natalie’s hearing.  We have the second hearing screen next week and I’m just not sure she’s hearing us much.  I’ve been spiraling into all the proDSC_20110301_162756blems that could cause her.  I then remember the Christmas box and, in spite of my inability to let go of worrying, God is still there reminding me that letting go is what is best for me and He is in control of Natalie’s life.



  1. It's true. It's hardest to let go of our big worries, but we just need to constantly remind ourselves who is in control.

  2. I am so glad you know the Lord and are trying to let him be in control. It is hard. I still have trouble letting go and letting God be in control of my life. I think we as humans will always have the problem.
    I have and will continue to pray for Natalie's hearing. She is a gift from God.
    I love you so much Amy. Mom

  3. I love the picture of Natalie and Julia!
    Also, I have _never_ been through _anything_ even close to what you and your family are going through, but I recommend just praising and thanking God for any and everything you can think of out loud, with our children. He has blessed us SO MUCH, and keeping those things in the forefront of my mind has kept me from worrying about whatever current worry-situation presents itself! We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us! Praying for you!
