Natalie has been with us 7 weeks today but corrected to 2 weeks since she was 5 weeks early. For a 2 week old, she’s doing great! We took pictures of her holding her head up on the Boppy pillow on Saturday and she did amazing! She’s going 4 to 4 1/2 hours between feedings at night but she’s too small to go much more than that anyway. Last night she woke up in pain from gas so that still seems to be the thing that keeps her from sleeping. We got up at 3 am and I didn’t get to sleep back in my bed until after 8. All three kids have done well sleeping on my stomach when they have gas pain so Natalie and I were on the couch last night. She seems better this evening so hopefully her stomach is doing better.
Our big doctor appointments this week will be Thursday when we see the audiologist and the cardiologist. Natalie has to be completely asleep for the hearing test so they want us to keep her awake 3 hours before the test and
make sure she doesn’t fall asleep in the car ride downtown. The car seat seems to have magic sleeping properties so not sure how that will work. David’s going with me so one of us can sit in the back seat and try to keep her awake. The cardiology appointment is to check on her 3 holes. When we saw the pediatrician a month ago, she said they sounded very small by stethescope so hopefully they are already closing up. Natalie will be evaluated by the Early Intervention physical therapist next Monday and then see the pediatrician for her 2 month check up. So, we are praying that in the upcoming doctor’s appointments she will have improved hearing, holes starting to close, increased head control, and a big weight gain.
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