Natalie is 8 weeks old today and Julia is 5 years! Both had a pretty good day. We were supposed to go to another hearing screen today for Natalie but Monday night was rough. I think she had a slight fever from her shots at the pediatrician’s office. I rescheduled the hearing screen for a few weeks from now. Monday was exhausting and I didn’t want to run out of steam for Julia. So, we slept in and then Natalie, Aunt Mandy and I went to Julia’s school for her birthday treat. Julia seemed to have a great day. She was wearing a new dress I made her (a super twirler, no less) and said she had a princess dress on. We brought her doughnuts with pink icing AND sprinkles and she seemed pleased. Once home, she got to open Aunt Mandy’s present and then called Nana to skype opening hers. Julia and Zach played all afternoon with those two presents, forgetting to ask about TV so Mommy is grateful! I even got a short nap in before dinner.
Monday was another busy day. First, we saw the pediatrician for Natalie’s 2 month checkup. She was 8 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches. We’ll probably go back for a weight check at 3 months and then the next doctor appointment will be at 4 months. The doctor expects her to be 9 lbs at 3 months and 10 lbs at 4 months if she continues at the same growth rate. That’s a lot smaller than Zach and Julia but still good for her.
We left the pediatrician, grabbed me some lunch, and made it to the physical therapy evaluation early enough for me to pump a few minutes before. Natalie got 3 shots at the pediatrician’s office and it didn’t hit me til we saw the physical therapist that the shots would make her irritable. She cried a little but did ok. The therapist said Natalie was on track for a one month old (her corrected age) but that her neck and core were a little weak. She recommended that we start therapy so Natalie won’t fall behind. We should have a physical therapist come to the house once a week soon. The therapist that evaluated her also gave me several massage techniques for her stomach and some exercises we can start using to strengthen her neck and core. Good news is some of the things she suggested I’ve already been doing. I left the PT appointment and decided to stop to get David some contacts. When I got back in the car, I couldn’t turn the key to start the ignition. It’s been getting progressively
worse but yesterday I tried 25+ times then called David. We were just about to figure out how to get it towed to Honda when the ignition started. I was afraid to turn it off again so Natalie and I sat in the car while David made phone calls to figure out how to get it fixed. We went to Honda and met David came home for an hour or so then went back to pick it up. Big chunk of change but can’t really get by without the car starting so it’ll have to work out. David and I did get to do a short dinner date, though, since Mandy was home with the kids.
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