Amy gave birth to Natalie Grace today around 3:00. Amy is doing relatively well and is in recovery. However Natalie had several issues that were indicators of downs syndrome including ‘sandal feet,’ slanted eyes, and weaker muscles. In addition, Natalie has ‘duodenal atresia’ meaning her stomach is not connected to her small intestines. They took her to the NICU, where she was being monitored.
I am rather tired so allow me to summarize what I know:
- We knew she had an ‘duodenal atresia’ before the C-Section, and knew this could be an indication of downs syndrome.
- It is not yet confirmed that she has downs syndrome. We will know for certain when the blood tests come back in about 48 hours from birth.
- The pediatric surgeon Dr. Norton explained duodenal atresia as a separation of the stomach and the small intestine. He has seen the X-Ray and is planning on performing surgery on Friday. They expect it may take another week after the surgery before she starts eating.
- When asked how long we should expect the baby to be at the Hospital, Dr. Norton said it depends on the patient, but could be 3 weeks.
- Tomorrow (Wend) she will have an echocardiogram to confirm there are no issues with the heart.
- She was 6.6 lbs, 18 inches.
- In the NICU she has an iv, and is being given sugar water to strengthen her. She cannot feed until stomach issues are resolved.
- Amy was not able to eat for a while until she recovered from the C-Section. I just spoke to her and she is munching on a few gram crackers. She is very tired, but hopes to see the baby tonight in the NICU
- Only two people can visit the baby in the NICU at one time, and one of those has to me me or Amy. Children under 13 (I think) cannot come in the NICU. Zach and Julia will not be able to see the baby for a while.
- Natalie has a tube in her mouth to get fluid and air out of her stomach.
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. For those who get this on email, I will attempt to keep our blog and twitter up to day. You can view both at
Hi David, This is DeAnn Harris - your parent's and Joanna's friend in St. Louis. Your mom/dad and Joanna have been keeping us posted on Amy and Natalie and now this evening Joanna passed along your blog...Just wanted you to know that we are praying with and for you, Amy, Natalie, Zach and Julia, knowing the Great Lord Jesus loves you all dearly and has everything you need to walk this road right now, moment by moment, for He is faithful and good.