I’ve been fortunate to be at Natalie’s bed when the residents make their rounds. They all told me yesterday she was doing good but to think of it as baby steps. She had another poopy diaper- apparently a large one- and the stomach collection was very small. Good news. The surgical team want to keep her stomach on suction still for now.
I talked to a Child and Family development specialist yesterday. She got the paperwork started for Mecklenburg county’s early intervention program. She said we might have an appointment with someone as early as next week. They will come to Natalie’s bed in the NICU and then to our house for therapy when she’s home. I’m so grateful that God in his wisdom knew that we needed to stay in this house. We had thought of moving to Union County and they do not come to the hospital for services.
Started this blog before going to the hospital today. When I got there today, Natalie was under the phototherapy lights. Her billi count went from 15 to 18. The doctor said on rounds that they put 2 lights and a billi blanket on her to knock it out fast. Natalie was not very happy about it. She’s been liking to be swaddled but has to be left in the open for the lights to help the jaundice. I held her hands down by her tummy and tried to keep the pacifier in to get her to go back to sleep. I felt very helpless to comfort her since I’m not allow to
pick her up when the lights are on her. The good news is that on her first day after birth, her arms were limp when left in an open bassinet. Today, they were flailing when left in the open. I asked the nurse and she said her arms were getting stronger. Praise the Lord!
The residents did say today that she was close to have the suction turned off on her stomach. They would leave the tube a little while after the suction is turned off in just in case the stomach would need to bring anything up on it’s own. After that, they will start teaching her how to eat.
Prayer Requests
- Natalie’s stomach would continue to heal
- Natalie’s jaundice would go away quickly. I want to hold her again!
- Natalie would be able to eat. They tell me that Down’s babies have trouble coordinating sucking, breathing, and swallowing. Our prayer would be that she will be able to do that and not have to have a feeding tube.
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ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, she is so precious! I simply just can't wait to meet her! I want to hold her too so I can just imagine how YOU feel! In the pics she looks chubby too! SOOOOO adorable! You are such a strong person and such an amazing mommy! Wow! Thank you for sharing! I will continue to keep praying! I am also going to call you or David to see if Connor and I can pick Julia up from school and have a playdate. I can then bring her home. I will call you soon.
Katie Miller (connor's mom)