Last summer, we were surprised with the plus sign on a pregnancy test. My first thought was, “Oh, it’s Natalie Grace.” Strange thing to say since we weren’t thinking of having any more children and, to be honest, it was a bit of a shock. I had had a dream about her not too long before. My dreams are often a little strange, though, so I didn’t really take it as a message that we were going to be blessed with another child. But, blessed we have been. It has been
a crazy year but she has already changed our family. Our eyes have been opened to disabilities around us, showing me Down’s Syndrome is not something to fear. Yes, I know she’s behind other children her age, but it doesn’t make me love her any less. She’s doing exactly what God planned for her to be doing in the time he set aside. And, because she does things differently than what is ‘normal,’ we treasure those milestones all the more.
In one year, Natalie has gone from a fragile, quiet, preemie that couldn’t hold her head up to a plump baby whose eyes sparkle when someone is smiling at her and whose voice can hardly be contained when she sees dinner! I find myself grinning at her throughout the day just to see that face light up. Zach has discovered the easiest way to make her laugh is to burp many times in a row. I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve called upon his services when she’s bumped her head sometimes to calm her down quickly! He has also told me he often prays for Natalie with his class even a year later. Our sweet Julia has recently started helping out with reading the 10 books a day. It’s just so amazing to see both my girls sitting on the floor together reading a book!
There are still plenty of unknowns for Natalie’s future but there is also peace that she is right where she needs to be. Thank you to everyone who has shown Natalie so much love in this first year of her life. We are so blessed to have family and friends who have loved her and us without question!
I am so proud of you.