So, I think a lot of you know by now that David accepted an offer to work for Bank of America on Thursday. Last Thursday, when we found out his original contract was going to fall through, I told the kids that we needed to pray for Daddy to find a job in the next week so he could still go on vacation with us. I told them that God could do that (even though I wasn’t really sure I believed He would). As the week got closer to the end, David was getting more and more depressed that we were going to have to leave him behind. Thursday morning, I worked with a recruiter over e-mail to allow David to be able to come with us for a few days and we were so excited. But God wanted something even better for us. Funny how many times I’ve tried to ‘help’ God out and what He has planned is always better. That evening, David got the offer at BOA. My first reaction was “Are you sure?”. I mean, I was just starting to prepare for a long haul of unemployment. We’ve been through it before and know so many people who are out of work. Why would God do this for us? Do we deserve to be saved hardship? Well, the truth is, I know we don’t, nor do we deserve anything He gives us. So, to me, it’s just a little reminder of how His love for us is so great that He gave us what we don’t deserve, His son, so we can be with Him forever.
So we’re off for a much needed vacation. Usually, there are LOTS of pictures taken at the beach so hopefully the next post will have some of them in it.
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