‘For I know the plans that I have for you,'
declares the LORD,
'plans for welfare and not for calamity
to give you a future and a hope.
When Natalie was born, that was the verse that helped me through all the lonely middle of the night pumping sessions while she was still in the hospital. I wrote it on her wall so I could see it while in her rocking chair. God still has those same plans for us. Even though we had some bad news today, those plans are for our welfare. David was to finish his last day at Muzak tomorrow and start a new contract position on Tuesday. The contracting company called today to say the bank lost it’s funding and they no longer need him. He has had lots of calls throughout his job search process and is optimistic that something will come soon. Such timing can only be God’s perfect plan. We earnestly covet your prayer for us as we live in this stressful season that God will show us where David should go quickly.