Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Shower

Natalie and 2011-02-19I had a wonderful time at the baby shower.  Thank you to everyone for loving us both.  David and I have been so blessed by all the prayers, encouragement, help and support we’ve received since Natalie’s birth.  It was healing to see Natalie being loved on by so many.  Thank you also to Melanie and Ashleigh for giving the shower.

Natalie was passed around and practically slept through the whole event!  I found a newborn size dress for her to wear so she wouldn’t be coming to the party in her jammies and of c2011-02-19course that hair had to have a bow!  Melanie took lots of pictures of her so I’m including just a few.  She woke up a little just after everyone left so we got a few with her eyes open.

I started reading a gross motor skills guide for Down’s Syndrome children Sunday.  Natalie’s still a little young for most of the exercises but we could try a few.  Apparently, she should be working to being able to lay flat on her back and holding her hea2011-02-19dd straight.  Usually, she lays her head to one side.  I figured out how to use a blanket roll to support her neck and have been putting her in the baby gym with it.  She’s been starting to bat at toys!  I’ve also been trying to work on holding her legs in alignment when I hold her.  Without support, they splay out like a frog’s legs.  The books say that could give her hips difficulty later.  I feel like there’s so much to learn!


1 comment:

  1. She looks different in these pictures. I need to come see her again soon.
